Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My job

I’ve been asked a lot about my “new” job, I’ve been there about a month and a half, and I’m loving it! I work for a company that has a contract to do all the food for Microsoft, and I’m a catering runner. When I get in (between 4:30 and 6:30am) first thing I look at the orders I have for the day and I start to get ready for my first order. When I take an order I take all of the food and drinks that have been ordered by the client, I also take a few things to make the orders look nice. When I get to the conference room I set up a linen and table runner, and then set up the coffee and the food. If its cold food, the food is set on platters, if it is hot food, it goes in a chaffer, to keep the food hot. After the breakfast orders I get ready for the lunch orders, if I go bake to the same room that I delivered breakfast I will bus out breakfast before I set up lunch. Sometimes I have to stay to deliver afternoon snacks (around 2-3pm) but most of the time I’m off work around that time. Some days I get to do some prep work in the kitchen, sometimes our kitchen sometimes one of the cafĂ© kitchens. I’m doing my best to learn as much as I can, as well as learn as many different jobs as I can so that I can get a promotion. Thank you to everyone for your love a support and for being interested in what I’m doing!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Michelle's Graduation!

This weekend I had the opportunity to see my little sister graduate from college. It was amazing to see the culmination of the last four years of her life. The weekend was full of family, friends, laughs, and smoke?

We flew in to Burbank and then drove north to Santa Barbara. We knew that there was a wild fire in Santa Barbara (the second one in 6 months) but we had no idea what to expect.

This is what we saw from the freeway coming into SB.

Our fist night we went to Michelle’s track and field banquet, it was a little long but fun.

Little did we know it was going to be dinner and a show.

The next day we woke up covered in a thin layer of ash that had come in through the windows overnight. After breakfast

we went for a walk on the wharf …

Then headed to the beach,

where Michelle and I compared skin color

I’ll let you be the judge about which looks better.

Friday night was Michelle’s baccalaureate, which had to be moved from Westmont to Santa Barbara City College because the campus had to be evacuated. It was a beautiful service in a beautiful setting.
Saturday morning was commencement, it was so incredible to watch Michelle walk across the stage, and she was so beautiful!

After the ceremony we went to a potluck with Michelle’s friends

and then went out to a nice dinner with the family.
Sunday morning Michelle, dad, and I woke up early to watch the sunrise,

it was too foggy to really see anything, however we did not complain about the fog because it helped so much with the firefighting efforts.

We went to church and then out to lunch, after lunch we went to the beach again for a little bit and then it was time to go.

But not before a quick stop in Summerland in which Michelle showed off her amazing avocado picking ability.

It was such a great trip and having gotten the chance to take Michelle to college for her freshman year and then to get to be there for her graduation was something that I will always keep close to my heart. I’m now home missing my sister with lots of memories, some great pictures and a wicked sunburn.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rock and roll!

While Michelle was home over Christmas she was telling me about a half marathon she wanted to run this summer and asked me if I would run it with her, and I said yes! I have never been a “runner” and to be completely honest since high school I’ve struggled with exercise. So since Christmas time I’ve been trying to get into a good running routine, I’ve defiantly been getting better, but I’m having a hard time with consistency, the story of my life! I signed up to do a boot camp though church that started last week and it was great, really hard, but it’s great to be pushed and to meet new people. I’m really hoping that this is the beginning of a new healthier lifestyle for me. I know that as I get older exercise becomes more and more important and also if I want to get into better shape the longer I wait the hard it will be to drop the extra pounds. Anyway I’m hoping for some prayers for motivation and for help with consistency.