Monday, September 29, 2008

Some sad news

I wanted this blog to be mostly about school and food and fun stuff but I had to make a tough decision today and I needed to write about it. I had to put my cat down today. I’m very sad. She was not very old but she was sick, she wasn’t eating and she had stopped cleaning herself. So today I took her to the vet and then brought her home and buried her. I loved her very much, she was a wonderful cat and she was there during some really big changes in life, I will miss her.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Future

I started back a school this week and my first assignment was to write an essay on where I see myself when I'm finished with my program. While for most people this might be easy and maybe fun, for me it was really hard. I spend most of my days trying not to think about the future, something that I used to do all the time, and have been being trying to train myself out of that kind of thinking. I can get lost in the future, and will stop living in the now. Dreaming about what people will say, how they will react, and where I will be, and then I'm inevitably let down because no one can ever live up to my dreams. I struggle anytime someone asked me to look in to the future because I would just rather not.