Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My job

I’ve been asked a lot about my “new” job, I’ve been there about a month and a half, and I’m loving it! I work for a company that has a contract to do all the food for Microsoft, and I’m a catering runner. When I get in (between 4:30 and 6:30am) first thing I look at the orders I have for the day and I start to get ready for my first order. When I take an order I take all of the food and drinks that have been ordered by the client, I also take a few things to make the orders look nice. When I get to the conference room I set up a linen and table runner, and then set up the coffee and the food. If its cold food, the food is set on platters, if it is hot food, it goes in a chaffer, to keep the food hot. After the breakfast orders I get ready for the lunch orders, if I go bake to the same room that I delivered breakfast I will bus out breakfast before I set up lunch. Sometimes I have to stay to deliver afternoon snacks (around 2-3pm) but most of the time I’m off work around that time. Some days I get to do some prep work in the kitchen, sometimes our kitchen sometimes one of the café kitchens. I’m doing my best to learn as much as I can, as well as learn as many different jobs as I can so that I can get a promotion. Thank you to everyone for your love a support and for being interested in what I’m doing!

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